Tsú-iàu kong-khai ji̍t-kì
Ha̍p-pìng hián-sī sóo-ū Wiktionary tang-tiong sóo-ū luī-pia̍t ê ji̍t-tsì. Lí ē-tàng tiám-suán ē-la-sik suán-tuann suán-ti̍k ji̍t-tsì ê luī-pia̍t. Tsí-tīng iōng-tsiá-miâ (khu-piat tuā-suè-siá) ia̍h-sī íng-hióng ê ia̍h (mā-sī khu-piat tuā-suè-siá).
- 2017-nî 4-goe̍h 30-ji̍t (lé-pài) 17:51 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn Chris Christie thâi tiāu (No useful content (global sysop action))
- 2013-nî 8-goe̍h 25-ji̍t (lé-pài) 11:03 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn All About Jokes For Children thâi tiāu (Spam (global sysop action))
- 2013-nî 4-goe̍h 29-ji̍t (pài-it) 18:01 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn Picking a Car Mechanic Who Won't Overcharge thâi tiāu (Cross-wiki spam (global sysop action))
- 2013-nî 3-goe̍h 15-ji̍t (pài-gō·) 11:57 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn Hi thâi tiāu (Cross-wiki spam (global sysop action): chìn-chêng ê lōe-iông sī: 'We are the best, look for us in the future')
- 2012-nî 8-goe̍h 17-ji̍t (pài-gō·) 06:26 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn cascas thâi tiāu (No useful content (global sysop action): loē-iông sī: 'cascascascascas c asd vfas vsfg dsfg fdsg dgd asf wae fgdsf sdf sdf sg dfas ddasf asdg ae wwwe fsd dsafs df sdf sd' (î-it ê kòng-hiàn-chiá sī '[[Special:Contributions/213.198.227...)
- 2012-nî 7-goe̍h 4-ji̍t (pài-saⁿ) 11:23 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn Iōng-chiá:Iyhmtwxr thâi tiāu (Cross-wiki spam (global sysop action): lōe-iông sī: '{{delete|spam}} Czy nie udawac! Jesli masz zamiar napisac recenzje produktu, przetestowac go w pierwszej kolejnosci. Czytelnicy beda mogli powiedziec, ze klamiesz, a jesli nie moze, na ...)
- 2012-nî 4-goe̍h 3-ji̍t (pài-jī) 19:17 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn kā ia̍h-bīn Aikido thâi tiāu (lōe-iông sī: '{{delete|X-wiki}} Aikidoyu diğer dövüş sanatlarından ayıran üç temel öğe vardır: yüzde 100 savunmacı bir spor oluşu (aikidoda saldırı teknikleri çok azdır); içimizdeki enerjiye, güze yada ki' ye dayanması; özelli...')
- 2011-nî 7-goe̍h 25-ji̍t (pài-it) 12:36 已自動建立使用者帳號 Tegel thó-lūn kòng-hiàn