Sû-thâu sek-ín
- ta-chháu
- ta-sián
- taal
- taco
- taekwondo
- tahu
- taifuuni
- tail
- tailandese
- tailandês
- tainga
- taivas
- takong
- tale
- talk
- talon
- talón
- tamak
- tan-chheng
- tan-to̍k
- tandheelkunde
- tandlæge
- tandsteen
- tang-sún
- tangan
- tangerine
- tanggapin
- tanghalian
- tangi
- tank
- tannsteinn
- tao
- tap-àn
- target
- tarkoitus
- tarm
- tartar
- tartaro
- tartre
- taucang
- taugakerfi
- tauge
- tauhue
- taxi
- tay
- ta̍k-ke
- te
- tea
- teacher
- teal
- technical
- technical college
- technique
- technology
- tedesco
- tee
- tee ball
- tegumenta sistemo
- teh
- tek-bi̍h-á
- teko
- telefon
- telefone
- telefono
- telefoon
- telegraph
- telephone
- telephonium
- telephonum
- telepon
- television
- telinga
- telur ayam
- telur bebek
- teléfono
- tembaga
- teng-kháu-chîⁿ
- tenticle
- teo
- terça-feira
- tesouras
- test
- text
- textbook
- thai
- thank
- that
- thaï
- the best is saved for last
- the early bird gets the worm
- theater
- thee
- then
- theocracy
- theology
- theory of relativity
- therapy
- therefore
- thereupon
- thian-hiuⁿ
- thian-tông
- thigh
- thih-bé
- thih-ki-lō͘
- thing
- thinking
- third person
- this
- thiu-siōng
- thong-kó͘
- thought
- thoân-thóng
- thus
- thuật chỉnh răng
- thài-iông
- thài-iông-piáⁿ
- thán-pîⁿ-chōa
- thân
- thâu-chhiú-chhoe
- thâu-gê
- thâu-lō͘
- thèng-kak hē-thóng
- thé
- thé-kak hē-thóng
- thòaⁿ-sò·
- thó-hái-lâng
- thó-lūn
- thó͘-tī-má
- thứ ba
- thứ hai
- ti-kak hē-thóng
- ti-tu
- tiah-kán
- tian-tò ê sû
- ticklish
- tidy
- tietojenkäsittelytiede
- tietokone
- tietosanakirja
- tifona
- tifono
- tifón
- tiistai
- tijeras
- timber wolf
- time
- time zone
- tin
- tinto
- tirsdag
- titik
- title
- tiyan
- tiàm-bī
- tiàm-kha
- tiàu-kuí-á
- tiàu-tāu
- tiô-kha tǹg-tōe
- tiông
- tiān-ko
- tiān-náu
- tiān-náu kho-ha̍k
- tiān-sòaⁿ
- tiān-tî
- tiān-ōe
- tiāⁿ-tio̍h
- tiū-chháu
- tiū-chháu-lâng
- tiū-á
- tiếng
- tiếng Nhật
- tiếng Pháp
- tiếng Phần-lan
- tiếng Thái-lan
- tiếng Việt
- tiếng Việt Nam
- tiếng mân nam
- tiếng nói
- tiⁿ-kóe
- tiⁿ-lō͘
- tlen
- to live, there is always a way out
- toad
- tobacco
- today
- toevoegen
- tofu
- together
- toll
- tomat
- tombejo
- tomorrow
- tondilo
- tone
- tongue
- tooth
- toothed whale
- toothpaste
- tophus
- topic
- topo
- tornado
- toron
- tortelduif
- tortora
- tounge
- tourism
- tourterelle
- tower
- town
- to̍k-sin-á
- traditional music
- train
- train station
- tram
- translate
- translation
- transportation
- trash
- travel
- treat
- tree
- tree branch
- tree ear
- triangle
- tribunale
- trigonometry
- trolley
- troop
- tropical cyclone
- trouble
- truck
- trà
- trật tự
- trị
- tsaa
- tuberculosis
- tubig
- tumit
- tungumál
- tuomioistuin
- tupai
- turkawka
- turkey
- turn into
- turteldue
- turtildúfa
- turtildúgva
- turtledove
- turto
- turturikyyhky
- tutor
- tutubi
- tyfon
- typhon
- typhonas
- typhoon
- typpi
- tysk
- tàng-lō͘-chúi
- tán-lō͘
- tán-thāi
- tâm-lūn
- tâm-ōe
- tâng
- tâng-ki
- tælenska
- tè
- té
- téléphone
- tê
- tê-ba̍k
- tó
- tó-sū
- tórtola
- tôe-ba̍k
- tông-chhong
- tölva
- tölvunarfræði
- tùi-khòng
- tû-pâng
- týsdagur
- tāi-seng
- tāi-sài
- tān-sī
- tāu-jí
- tāu-leng
- tāu-phôe
- tāu-pio
- tē-ga̍k
- tē-hng
- tē-tāng
- tēng-gī
- tīn-thâu
- tōa-kho͘
- tōa-kó͘-tīn
- tōa-lô
- tōa-pún-jī
- tōa-sun
- tōe-ge̍k
- tōng-bu̍t
- tōng-bu̍t-hn̂g
- tự điển